My Portfolio

Automated Mineral Maps on Mars

Pytorch | Python | Deep Learning | GAN

For my Masters dissertation I developed a Pytorch Model to automate mineral mapping of hyperspectral data on Mars. By implementing a Generative Adversarial Network, 27 minerals could be identified by their spectral features

View Repo | View Maps | View Poster

Cartography Portfolio

Cartographic Principles | ArcGIS | Python

Using ArcGIS and Python I have produced several maps on different Social, Economic and Geospatial topics.

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Predicting Snow Cover From Modis Data

Python | Times Series | Web Scraping

Using Python I built a model that requests Modis data based upon the tile id. This data is then processed to calculate the snow cover, to visualise how the melting of the snow will impact a water table.



Discovering the Geology at the recent Lunar Landing sites

R | Python | Hyperspectral | Geology

For my undergraduate dissertation I used ArcMap and Python to create geological maps of the recent Chang'e landing sites on the Moon. This project was supervised by Prof Bernard Foing. Subsequently, I was able to publish an abstract of my work and present at the European Geosciences Union conference.

Link to Abstract

LSTM model predicting the location and size of Wildfires in California

LSTM | R | ML | ArcGIS

Using an LSTM and k-means clustering a map showing the predicted location of california wildfires was made alongside a predition on their size.

R Markdown

Machine Learning and Spatial Analysis of Review Data

In Python I used Natural language processing to understand venue review data. My aim was to understand the relationship between the text review data and the venue rating. Following clustering of review data several maps were created showing the location of several positive review locations.


Mobility Assessment of Cambridge

R | Python | Social Analysis | Spatial

Using a now defunct social networking application called Gowalla, the aim was to map and understand the mobility patterns of users. The Gowalla dataset allowed users to check-in to locations. Pairing this location based data with Centrality maps created for Cambridge, allowed the mobility patterns of users to be understood. Using this information, the optimal location for a new venue could be determined.

Member of the EuroMoonMars team

Research Group

Duirng my undergraduate dissertation I was a member of the EuroMoonMars team. This was sponsored by the International Lunar Exploration Working group founded by several of the worlds space agencies ( ASA, ASI, BNSC, CNES, DARA, ESA, ISAS, NASA). This experience enabled me to present my disseration at several workshops and a conference. It also enabled me to meet and discuss ideas with fellow students and researchers.

Field Work

Mapping | Field Work

Conducted geological fieldwork across the UK and Europe Mapped rocks and rock structures in detail to understand the formation and history of the rock record